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Holla, Sobat Damai in everysides of Indonesia.

Hopefully, you are still healthy and happy.


Before I tell you a little about Pancasila, there are several questions for you regarding this matter. I think you can answer that question easily and remember the answer.

Do you know Pancasila?

To what extent do you know about Pancasila?

Do you want to change Pancasila to another?


Please read the answer, and let’s read the short story Pancasila.

We know that Pancasila is our ideology. So, do you know the history of Pancasila before it became our ideology?

Let’s take a trip back in time to commemorate this joyous day.

Before the existence of the Pancasila ideology, Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch and Japan. In 1944, Japan promised to offer independence to Indonesia. Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta, and Radjiman Wedyodiningrat were overjoyed, and the Japanese organized an organization to prepare for Indonesia’s impending independence. Its members consist of 60 Indonesians and 7 Japanese to supervise these activities. The organization is called BPUPKI. BPUPKI was announced on March 1st, 1945, but was ratified on April 29th, 1945. On May 29 1945 the first session was held led by Mohammad Yamin. He conveyed 5 principles, namely nationality, humanity, divinity, democracy, and people’s welfare. On May 30th, 1945, a second trial was held chaired by Soepomo. He also conveyed 5 principles, namely unity, kinship, inner balance, deliberation, and justice for the people.

On June 1st, 1945, the third trial was held, chaired by Sukarno. He conveyed the 5 principles that we call Pancasila, which consist of belief in the Almighty God, civilized humanity, the unity of the Indonesian nation, democracy led by the wisdom of representative deliberation, and social justice for all Indonesian people. Therefore, June 1st, 1945, was designated as the Birth Day of Pancasila. Sukarno stated that this ideology did not belong to him but to the Indonesian people. He also mentioned that Pancasila is a strong basis, a basis that also encourages the diversity of the Indonesian nation, a basis that unites all Indonesian people from Sabang to Merauke with the aim of starting and ending a revolution.


Pancasila consists of five principles, those are:

  1. Belief in the Almighty God
  2. Just and civilized humanity
  3. Indonesian Unity
  4. Democracy is guided by the inner wisdom in unanimity that arises from deliberation between representatives
  5. Social justice for all Indonesian people


All the principles contained in the Pancasila points become our guide in doing things so that we stay on track. Suppose we practice all the contents of Pancasila. In that case, we believe that our lives will be peaceful and prosperous because our attitudes are beneficial for ourselves and many people.

So now. Pancasila can be said to be our home because everything will return to our ideology, back to our home. (Zu/RON)

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