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Holla, Sobat Damai in everysides of Nusantara

Hopefully, you can still be smiling right now


Are you Millenial Generations?

Are you Alpha Generation?

Are you Z generation?

Or are you X Generations?


Talked about the millennial generation and Pancasila, of the many generations of the Indonesian nation, the generation that must be instilled with Pancasila values is the millennial generation and the generation after that because this generation was born along with the development of science and technological advances. The spread of other ideologies in technology development quickly affects this generation and they tend to ignore the values in their lives. This generation has an important role to play in the success and progress of the Indonesian nation and state. This generation will also work very well and enthusiastically to fulfill their achievements. In addition, high self-confidence and the ability to quickly adapt to the environment give millennials advantages that previous generations did not.

However, life in this technological and automated era has offered progressive cultural changes and become a personality with a dominant individualistic nature. In addition, materialism, pragmatism, and hedonism are also increasingly prevalent in social life.

These ideas erode the morality and morals of society, especially the millennial generation. That way, their lives are free without spiritual, moral, and religious foundations, far from the values of Pancasila, especially the earliest towards God, separating the affairs of the world and the affairs of the hereafter. This is critical for future successors in advancing the nation and state because the world is entirely spiritualized and subject to technological advancement. Humans seem unable to avoid losing their identity and find satisfaction in impersonality.

The dynamics in actualizing the value of Pancasila in the life of society, nation, and state is necessary so that Pancasila always remains relevant in its function of providing guidelines for policy-making and problem-solving in the country’s life and condition. Pancasila as an ideology is a reality that cannot be rejected. This is because, in every society, there is always expected to be a shared structure formed from ideas. Therefore one of the essential functions of social institutions is to maintain and spread a shared ideology among those who make up a society.


The importance of actualizing the values of Pancasila in praxis life is because there are always changes and renewals in transforming the values of Pancasila into norms and practices of life while maintaining consistency, relevance, and contextualization. Pancasila, as an integrative paradigm in the formation of imagination and creativity among the millennial generation in the development of Science and Technology, especially for the life of society, nation, and state, is expected to be the basis and roots of scientific development that is adjusted to the cultural values of the Indonesian people so that the development of science and technology does not get out of the values that the Indonesian people have. However, this must also be supported by various competencies that must be honed and cultivated, such as critical thinking, creativity, innovation, communication, and collaboration among millennials.


So, now please be Pancasilais Millennial Generation (Zu)


Wahyudi, A. (2006). Ideologi Pancasila: Doktrin yang Komprehensif atau Konsepsi Politis? Jurnal Filsafat, 16(1), 94–115.

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